
M&M I-Practice Science

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Write the chemical formulas for each of these gases and select whether the gas is heavier, lighter or about the same as air



Gas Chemical Formula Heavier, lighter or about the same as air
Carbon dioxide    
Carbon monoxide    
Hydrogen sulfide    
Sulfur dioxide    





Write the chemical reactions for denitrification starting with nitrate in chemical symbols and their chemical names



Write the chemical reactions for nitrification starting with ammonia in chemical symbols and their chemical names



ORP stands for

  1. Orthophophate

  2. Oxidation reduction potential

  3. Oxidizing reducing potential

  4. Oxygen replacement probability


Which of the following pHs is most basic?

  1. 4

  2. 6

  3. 8

  4. 10


Which of the following pHs is most acidic?

  1. 4

  2. 6

  3. 8

  4. 10


OH-, Cl-, SO4-2, and HCO3- are called


H+, Ca+2, Mn+4, and Fe+3 are called


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